Infrastructure charges | Redland City Council
Seqwater Water main burst on Valley Way Mount Cotton

Please be advised Seqwater burst water main Valley Way Mount Cotton. Traffic control is onsite, with Valley Way closed to all traffic and detours in place.

Infrastructure charges

Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No. 3.2) 2023

Council’s Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No. 3.2) 2023 [PDF, 0.8MB] was adopted and came into effect on 20 September 2023.

The resolution details Council’s policy position on:

  • criteria for deciding whether development infrastructure is trunk infrastructure;
  • a method for calculating the cost of trunk infrastructure for various types of residential and non-residential development;
  • application, details and timing of an offset or refund.

Infrastructure Charges Registers

Infrastructure charges information/ Trunk infrastructure information [PDF, 0.7MB]

Infrastructure charges register [PDF, 1.7MB]

Infrastructure charges register [XLSX, 0.4MB]

Related forms

Superseded resolutions

Trunk infrastructure charges

Fee table for trunk infrastructure charges for development applications approved prior to 1st July 2011 [PDF, 0.2MB]

Applicable development for the levied charge

The types of development that trigger the levying of adopted infrastructure charges are:

  • Reconfiguring a lot (RAL)
  • Material change of use (MCU)
  • Carrying out building work.

When are the adopted infrastructure charges payable?

The adopted infrastructure charges are payable:

  • RAL - before Council approves the plan of subdivision
  • MCU - before the change happens (‘Final Plumbing Approval’ is generally used by Council)
  • Building works - before the ‘Certificate of classification’ or ‘Final Inspection Certificate’ for the building works is issued.

Infrastructure charges relating to building works

Council's planning scheme, City Plan, has reduced the level of assessment for some types of developments.  For example:

  • Dual occupancy applications in certain residential areas may no longer be assessable by Council where the development is considered 'accepted development' or accepted subject to requirements of City Plan.

It is important to remember that even if your project does not need planning approval for a material change of use, a building approval may still be required through private building certification. Building approval, or 'certification', is required for development that involves carrying out building work under the Planning Act 2016 (PA), as well as under specific building legislation. Building approvals require assessment against the Building Code of Australia (forming Volumes 1 and 2 of the National Construction Code) and Queensland’s Building and Plumbing Regulations.

Even if your development does not need planning approval, you may still be required to pay infrastructure charges in accordance with Council’s Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution trigger for carrying out building works.

If you are a private certifier that has been engaged by a client to perform private assessment and certification of building works, you are required by Section 143 of the Building Act 1975 to provide Council with a copy of the notice of engagement and application details within five (5) business days after the engagement starts. As soon as practical after receiving this notice (or approved building plans or certification whichever comes first), Council will advise you and the owner if the development will attract infrastructure charges.

More information