If you own a dog or cat and live in the Redlands Coast, you are legally required to microchip and register your pet.
Whilst you are only required to register dogs and cats in the Redlands Coast, you may require a permit for other animals.
We also encourage you to get your pet desexed – a simple procedure that helps pets to live longer and healthier lives, makes them less prone to wander and fight, and of course, create less unwanted litters.
All desexed animals will receive a discount on the registration fee.
Whilst all dogs and cats must be registered by 12 weeks of age, a discount is offered for animals registered between 3-6 months of age.
Our suggested 4-step process for pet owners
1. Microchip your pet
Before they are 12 weeks old (but after 8 weeks of age) (legally required)
2. Register your pet
Before they are 12 weeks old (legally required)
3. Desex your pet
To help create healthy, happy household pets
4. Upload your proof of desexing
Submit a scan or photo of your certificate of desexing
More information for pet owners
Find out more information about keeping cats and dogs, including registration and legislation at the Toolbox site.