Do I need operational works approval? | Redland City Council

Do I need operational works approval?

Operational work is defined by the Planning Act 2016 and relates to work (other than building work or plumbing and drainage work) that affects a premises or the use of a premises.

Operational works may be required on its own or in association with another application. Redland City Plan identifies works and development that require operational works approval. Additionally, if you have a planning approval, such as a material change of use or reconfiguring a lot, your approval, or conditions of approval, may require you to lodge an application for operational works or an application for conditioned works assessment.

Generally, operational works is required for works associated with reconfiguring a lot, and development and works identified as operational works in the planning scheme, while conditioned works assessment is required for works conditioned as part of a material change of use approval. Read more about conditioned works assessment.

Types of operational works

In Redlands Coast, operational works generally relates to:

  • road and drainage work
  • landscaping
  • stormwater, water and wastewater infrastructure
  • earthworks
  • vegetation clearing
  • domestic driveway crossovers
  • prescribed tidal works.

How to apply

To apply for operational works approval you need to submit:

  • completed current version of the State approved DA Form 1
  • payment of the application fee in accordance with Council's register of fees
  • relevant plans (refer to Council's plan requirements for operational works)
  • supporting information addressing any conditions of the planning approval and applicable assessment benchmarks (for instance planning scheme codes and policies)
  • evidence the portable long service leave levy for QLeave has been paid (if relevant).

The plans you provide as part of your operational works development application are used to show technical details relating to the works and specific engineering solutions proposed. Once approved, this technical information is relied upon during the construction of your development. The Queensland Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning has produced the DA forms guide: Relevant plans [PDF, 2.0MB] to assist you when submitting relevant plans with a development application.

The fastest and easiest way to submit your operational works development application is by using Council's Online Lodgement System (OLS). Alternatively you can lodge your application:

  • in person at Council's Customer Service Centre, Cnr Bloomfield and Middle Streets, Cleveland
  • by mailing Redland City Council, City Planning and Assessment Group, PO Box 21, Cleveland QLD 4163
  • by emailing

After operational works approval

Once Council approval is given for operational works, site works can commence in accordance with the approval conditions. Specific inspections that may be required can usually be found within the operational works development approval.

Read more about the types of inspections:

Security bonds

The purpose of security bonding is to achieve security for the satisfactory completion of works and cover uncompleted development obligations, such as civil works, revegetation and park improvements and also to cover development construction works during the maintenance period.

The bond requirements for developments are contained within City Plan Planning Scheme Policy 2: Infrastructure Works.

The five broad categories of security bonds are:

  • Performance Bonds
    • Performance Bonds are security bonds submitted to Council before development works commence, to secure the completion and fulfillment of specific conditions of a development permit or performance requirements of City Plan.
  • Significant Vegetation Bonds
    • Significant Vegetation Protection Bonds are security bonds submitted to Council before development works commence, to secure and protect significant vegetation that may be affected by development works.
    • The monetary amount required for a Significant Vegetation Protection Bond is calculated on a site and vegetation-specific basis.
  • Uncompleted Works Bonds
    • Uncompleted Works Bonds are security bonds submitted to Council in order to cover the costs of uncompleted development works, generally in order to obtain early approval of plans of subdivision (also known as survey plans).
    • For all uncompleted works, Council requires certification from a Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ) in the form of a fully priced bill of quantities, detailing works completed and works outstanding.
    • The Uncompleted Works Bond is the greater value of either:
      • 150% of the estimated uncompleted works costs; or
      • $5,000.
  • As-Constructed Information Bonds
    • Following Council review of the as-constructed information and/or an on maintenance inspection of the completed works, the as-constructed information may require amendment. If this is necessary, and it is appropriate to place the development on maintenance, an as-constructed bond may be taken for the outstanding information.
    • When amended as-constructed information is required, a bond will need to be lodged as security for the preparation of as-constructed information, before Council can accept the development works on maintenance.  Bonds are calculated in accordance with Table 1 in City Plan Planning Scheme Policy 2 - Infrastructure Works s7.2.5 - As-constructed Information Bonds.
  • Maintenance Bonds
    • Maintenance Bonds are security bonds submitted to Council as a defects liability bond during the maintenance period for assets to be transferred into Council ownership.
    • The Maintenance Bond is the greater value of either:
      • 10% of the agreed development works obligations; or
      • $2,500.

Calculating bonds

Bond amounts are calculated using a number of factors including:

  • the category of bond required
  • the type and scale of development
  • the location of the development
  • the level of risk posed by the development works.

Paying bonds and return of bonds

Security bonds submitted to Council may be in the form of either cash or bank guarantees (except road opening, road cleaning and vegetation protection bands less than $10,000 which must be in cash). Bonds must be submitted with the Submission of Security Bonds form [PDF, 1.0MB] and any other relevant documentation.

Once the bond is eligible to be returned, you can lodge a Refund of Security Bonds form [PDF, 1.0MB] and any other relevant documentation to request a return of the bond monies.

For further information or assistance with preparing your operational works development application, contact Council's Engineering and Environmental Assessment team on (07) 3829 8999 or email