Plan requirements for operational works applications | Redland City Council
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Plan requirements for Operational Works applications

Plan requirements for operational works applications

The following plans may need to be submitted to Council for Operational Works or Conditioned Works Assessment applications. When the application is for a material change of use (MCU), operational works requirements will be a condition of the development approval.

All plans for works in Redlands Coast must be certified by a suitably qualified Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ).

For a comprehensive list of plan requirements and further information on drawing requirements, refer to City Plan Planning Scheme Policy 2 - Infrastructure Works - Section 6 - Documentation.

Erosion prevention and sediment control plan

The erosion and sediment control plan should include details about the proposed sediment and erosion control measures including area/s of disturbance, external catchment diversions, construction entry/exit, sediment basins, flow paths and any proposed compensatory erosion and sediment controls.

Erosion and sediment control plans should be in accordance with the International Erosion Control Association (IECA) Best Practice Guideline.

Read more about Erosion and sediment control.

Road and path design plan

Your road and path design package should include:

  • details about each new road
  • detailed plans for intersections
  • longitudinal section of roads
  • longitudinal sections of footpaths (especially around corners where steep grades are proposed)
  • cross sections and structure of the road
  • signs
  • road pavement marking plans and details.

Stormwater plan

Stormwater plans need to include:

  • details of the stormwater drainage catchment
  • stormwater drainage layout
  • roof layout and location of down pipes
  • surface and invert levels of stormwater inlets and outlets
  • longitudinal sections
  • access chambers and grated inlets
  • location, size, grade, and type of stormwater pipes
  • surface levels of the site and adjacent properties
  • clearance dimensions where stormwater pipes cross other services - potholing of existing services must be undertaken as part of the design process to ensure design plans take into account actual site conditions and infrastructure locations without relying on assumptions
  • drainage easements where applicable
  • the location of any overland flow paths.

A stormwater management plan may also be required to demonstrate no worsening on neighbouring properties and to determine whether on site detention measures are required.

Where stormwater treatment is required, you will need to provide additional details of the type, location, size, and surface and invert levels of any proposed devices along with a copy of the Model for Urban Stormwater Improvement Conceptualisation (MUSIC model).

Read more about stormwater drainage.

Excavation and fill plan

In some instances, excavation and filling is accepted development, meaning it does not require approval, while in other instances the works are subject to approval by Council and assessed in accordance with City Plan.

Excavation and fill plans should include:

  • details of the areas of excavation or filling
  • the depth and/or height and volume of material
  • details of any proposed retaining walls including height and material - assessable retaining walls must be constructed from materials with a design life of 60 years minimum. This means timber retaining walls will not be approved by Council as part of any assessable works.

Building over or near underground infrastructure

Any building work on a lot that contains, or is next to a lot that contains, relevant infrastructure such as sewer, water and stormwater infrastructure, must meet the requirements of the Queensland Development Code (QDC). If your works cannot comply with the acceptable outcomes of the QDC, you will need to submit to Council a Concurrence Agency Referral application. Your application must include details about the location of the proposed building/structure and the distance to the underground infrastructure (including the sewer house connection point). Footing details of the proposed building or structure may also be required.

Read more about building over or near infrastructure.

Driveway crossover

Driveway crossover plans need to include details of the location, profile, gradient, width and structural design of the driveway crossover conforming to Council's standard drawings R-RCC-1, 2, 3 or 4.

Read more about driveways and crossovers.

Access and parking

Access and parking plans must show:

  • the surface levels
  • road and car parking area (including dimensions)
  • layout of construction joints and sectional details
  • edge treatment on roads and landscaping areas for the internal access ways
  • parking servicing and manoeuvring areas.
  • any areas that do not comply with relevant standards and justification for the non-compliance.

A swept path diagram certified by a Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ) must also be provided for the nominated service vehicle appropriate to the use in accordance with your material change of use approval.

Waste management plan

Waste management plans need to show:

  • the location of the waste storage area
  • the servicing point
  • bin carting route and where the bins are to be collected on site.

A swept path diagram certified by a Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ) must also be provided for the appropriate waste collection vehicle in accordance with your material change of use approval.