Driving a vehicle onto a Redland City Council controlled area is not permitted without prior approval. Under Subordinate Local Law No. 1.16 (Bringing or Driving a Motor Vehicle onto a Local Government Controlled Area) 2015 approval will only be granted where temporary vehicle access is required for an approved activity, for example resident property access, events, infrastrucutre access and the activity will not cause damage to our parks or public assets.
Please be aware that some activities or works may trigger the need to lodge an application for planning, building, plumbing or other associated legislation. If the purpose of the temporary vehicle access has triggered an application as above, please ensure you provide a copy of the relevant approval (s) with your application.
NOTE: A minimum of 10 business days is required to process all applications.
Temporary vehicle access for resident access
For temporary vehicle access through a council park or reserve to access your property, you must be the property owner to be eligible to apply. To complete your application online you will need ready:
- ID (drivers licence);
- Vehicle details;
- If engaging a contractor for this work, you will need to provide the contractor’s Certificate of Currency for Public Liability Insurance for $20 Million
- Any plans or building approvals, if applicable
Temporary vehicle access for events <500 people
For temporary vehicle access to a council park or reserve for an event <500 people, you must be the Event Organiser to apply. To complete your application online you will need ready:
- Event Company Certificate of Currency for Public Liability Insurance ($20Million);
- Event Management Plan;
- Site Plan;
- Vendors details including vehicle details and vendors PLI ($20Million;
- Traffic Management Plan (if applicable;
- Venue booking reference (if applicable).
Temporary vehicle access for infrastructure works
For temporary vehicle access to a park or reserve for any infrastructure works, you must be the company contracted to complete the works. To complete your application you will need ready:
- Company Certificate of Currency for Public Liability Insurance ($20Million);
- Site Plan;
- Contract or building works approvals;
- Traffic Management Plan (if applicable).
Temporary vehicle access for other activities
Temporary vehicle access to Council parks or reserves may be available for other activities, subject to Council’s discretion.
To access the park or reserve
A park key may be required and a refundable deposit of $70.00 is payable upon collection of the key.
Please read the Standard Terms and Conditions for Temporary Vehicle Access to a Park or Reserve [190KB] before applying.
To submit an application