Private landowners from the Central Reach of Amity Point who wish to request rock supply for private emergency works are to:
- Submit the Rock Supply for Private Emergency Works at Central Reach Amity Point form online, or,
- print and complete Rock Supply for Private Emergency Works on Flow Slide Barrier at Central Reach Amity Point [PDF 465KB] form, scan and submit as an email attachment to rcc@redland.qld.gov.au
Once submitted, landowners are to follow up with a phone call to Council on (07) 3829 8999 to confirm Council has received the form.
You must give advance notice to Council of the time and date the rock is required. Please note the form may take at least five business days to process.
Fees for 2024-2025:
Rock from NSI Fisherman Quarry by request - $99.50 per m3
NSI Fisherman Quarry after-hours access - $94.50 per hour
Once payment is received and the approval to source rock from the quarry is sent to private landowners, your approved contractor can commence obtaining rock from Council’s North Stradbroke Island Fisherman quarry (Council quarry).
Landowners are responsible for contact with the contractor undertaking works.
Rock supply is only to approved private landowners (see Appendix 1) in the central reach, undertaking emergency works on the flow slide barrier.
- Access to the Council quarry is currently only available to Mazzoni Plant Hire Pty Ltd (email: nat@mazzoniplanthire.com.au or ph: 0431 715 641). Landowners are responsible for organising all works with a contractor, including sorting, loading, transportation, placement of rock and payment of contractor for services provided.
- The construction and maintenance of works to protect private properties from erosion is the responsibility of private landowners.
- To legally maintain the flow slide barrier, works need to be in accordance with a development approval (DA) under the Planning Act 2016. As the flow slide barrier is an existing structure, a development application (DA) needs to be prepared retrospectively. Council is assisting landowners in the central reach by applying for a high-level preliminary approval for the existing flow slide barrier. Works can be undertaken in an emergency as per section 166 of the Planning Act 2016 and requires landowners undertaking emergency tidal works to do so in accordance with a Safety Management Plan. Note: the Amity Point SEMP includes a Safety Management Plan (refer to Appendix 2). The landowner undertaking the works is to notify the enforcement authorities; State Government – SEQSouthPlanning@dsdilgp.qld.gov.au and Council – rcc@redland.qld.gov.au, and make a development application as soon as reasonably possible.
Example Site Plan and details of rock works for volume required

Volume required for 20m length x 3m width x 4m depth = 240m3 (approximately 216 tonne)
Landowners are responsible for organising all works with a contractor, including sorting, loading, transportation, placement of rock and payment of contractor for services provided.
Council does not operate a commercial quarry. No guarantee is given by Council as to the future price or availability of rock from Council’s quarries. The price of rock from Council’s quarry is listed in Council’s Register of Fees and based on cost recovery. If the rock available from Council’s quarry is limited, priority will be given to ensure sufficient rock is retained for the maintenance of Council’s assets and responsibilities. It is the private landowner's responsibility to source rock from any commercial quarry on North Stradbroke Island/Minjerribah or the mainland that can supply rock to the required specification.
If a landowner is not from the Central Reach of Amity Point, and is not undertaking emergency works as per s.166 of the Planning Act 2016 and Amity Point SEMP, rock availability does not apply. Redland City Council is unable to progress the application and provide access to its quarry.