Redland City Council has formally identified a range of historic heritage places that represent important themes and phases relevant to Redlands' post-European settlement history, which are considered to have local or regional importance. These places are entered onto Council's Local Heritage Register (Schedule 7 – Heritage schedule) in City Plan. You can access the City Plan and its accompanying documents to see what places are currently included.
To assist community members, and property owners of a heritage place, to understand how places of local heritage significance contribute to the identity of Redlands Coast, a series of fact sheets have been prepared:
- Understanding Redland's Heritage [PDF, 0.73MB]
- Understanding heritage citation [PDF, 0.86MB]
- Living with heritage [PDF, 0.44MB]
Any person or organisation may nominate a place for inclusion in Council's Local Heritage Register. Read Entering a local heritage place into a local heritage register [PDF, 0.3MB] to find more about the nomination process and how to request an amendment or removal of a place from the Local Heritage Register.
General Exemption Certificate - Local Heritage Places
The Chief Executive Officer of Redland City Council has issued a General Exemption Certificate - Local Heritage Place (the GEC). The GEC is designed to authorise specific types of work that will not have an impact on the significance of a local heritage place, eliminating the need for an approval application. In addition, the GEC also outlines other common maintenance activities that are not classified as development but must be carried out in a manner that does not impact the cultural heritage significance of a place.
Typical work captured by the GEC includes (but is not limited to):
- Minor repairs to damaged or deteriorated building material that can no longer be conserved.
- Installation of new or replacement water tanks.
- Installation of solar panels.
- Painting.
- Cleaning and maintenance.
All work must be conducted in compliance with the conditions specified in the GEC. If you are uncertain whether the proposed works are covered by the GEC, please contact Council on (07) 3829 8999.
The GEC can be accessed here.
Local Heritage Incentive Scheme
Redland City Council has developed a local heritage incentives package designed to provide financial and advisory support to impacted landholders. The purpose of the incentives package is to encourage and support landholders of local heritage places to undertake works that will protect, conserve and enhance the heritage significant aspects of these places. The incentives package includes the following key features:
Local heritage grants
Funding up to $5,000 is available to successful applicants. Grants are available in two categories:
- Funds towards works that serve to protect, restore or reinstate local heritage values; and
- Funds towards professional heritage consultancy services (20% financial cash contribution up to $1,000 required).
Application forms are completed via Council's online portal SmartyGrants. You can locate further details on eligibility requirements, application requirements and the application form here. Application rounds will remain open unless funds have been exhausted.
Heritage advisory service
Council offers owners of local heritage places across Redlands Coast free access to a heritage advisor. The heritage advisor can assist with specialist conservation advice to help affected landowners understand the approval process and the obligations for making and managing changes to a local heritage place.
If you would like to request an appointment with Council’s heritage advisor, please contact the Strategic Planning Unit on or by telephone (07) 3829 8999.