Environmental education for everyone | Environmental talks, tours and visits | Redland City Council
Council service closures for Labour Day public holiday

Redland City Council offices, customer service centres and libraries will be closed on Labour Day (Monday 6 May).

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Environmental talks, tours and visits

Environmental education for everyone

Ranger Stacey talk to a group of people in the discovery centre.

Redlands IndigiScapes Centre is the hub for environmental education on Redlands Coast. No matter your age, you can immerse yourself in the wonders of the natural environment and discover innovative ways you can help protect the diverse flora and fauna of this region.

At IndigiScapes we can help you develop a deep and lasting connection with the local natural environment that will ensure a thriving natural ecosystem for a sustainable future.

If you are part of a local community group that is looking for an engaging environmental education experience, we can help you. Our knowledgeable staff can come to you or meet you at one of the many naturally wonderful locations across Redlands Coast.

To arrange a community talk, email your requirements and one of our friendly officers will be in contact. 

Looking for more?

Try a tour at Redlands IndigiScapes Centre

Organise a group of friends and come on a tour at IndigiScapes. Our Come explore with us tours is an hour-long tour with one of our knowledgeable staff members and includes a light morning tea at IndigiCafe.

To arrange a tour email your requirements and one of our friendly staff will be in contact. 

Are you an Educator looking for resources?

We are excited to be developing environmental education programs for early years through to high school. These programs will be curriculum-linked while inspiring the next generation to protect our unique flora and fauna.

For more information visit our environmental education page.