Customers experiencing difficulty paying rates and charges | Redland City Council
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Customers experiencing difficulty paying rates and charges

If you are experiencing difficulty in paying you rates, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us to discuss your circumstances.

How we can help relieve financial pressure

Difficult times put people under unexpected financial pressure. We have a range of assistance options for customers including a short term extension and flexible payment arrangements. If you're experiencing difficulty in paying your bill, get in touch with us to discuss your circumstances by phoning 3829 8999 to speak with one of our officers in the Accounts Receivable Team or email  

If an arrangement is not made, and full payment of rates is not received by the date shown on the rates notice, the overdue rates will attract interest compounded daily and could result in legal action being taken.

Difficulty paying your rates 

Do you need support to gain control of your rate account? Contact us so we can discuss your individual circumstance and review payment plan options within Council guidelines.

This policy is a requirement under the South East Queensland Customer Water and Wastewater Code. It provides a framework to support ‘small customers’ that are experiencing financial hardship as a result of an unexpected event or unforeseen changes. Assistance is available under the Financial Hardship Policy where there is an ongoing state of financial hardship and difficulty in meeting basic living needs is experienced on an ongoing basis. Customers must be assessed for financial hardship and will be required to provide information about their financial situation to access a payment plan under this policy.

Council expects ratepayers to take responsibility for their debt obligations and to organise their affairs in such a way as to be able to discharge these obligations as agreed. Council reserves the right to commence legal action, including registering a charge on the ratepayer’s property for any outstanding arrears balance, if the ratepayer does not meet their obligations or their circumstances are found to have improved but they are not willing to reduce the rate arrears in a more timely manner.

Reminder notifications

Contact will be made with ratepayers with an outstanding balance on their rate account following the due date each quarter.

Overdue rates and interest

Rates and charges must be paid by the due date on the quarterly rate notice. Interest will be charged on overdue rates at 12.35% a year compound, calculated on daily charge balances until full payment is received. Please note that if an overdue rate has remained unpaid, legal action may commence and for properties over three years in arrears (or for a mining claim, three months), Redland City Council can proceed to sell the property to recover outstanding rates.