Consistent feedback has told us that our community want easier and more efficient ways to interact with us, including digital options. We’re not surprised by this feedback. It’s actually in line with Council’s goal of being an efficient and effective organisation, a goal that has led us to embark upon our digital transformation journey.
We consider digital transformation to be critical to our becoming a more modern and responsive council. That’s why Council has endorsed a multi-year Digital Transformation Program, with a total investment over the life of the program of about $45 million, to support our digital services vision for the community.
This program will see a range of initiatives brought to life, all designed to modernise our ways of working and how we engage with our customers by securely increasing access to our services, improving customer experiences and ensuring greater information sharing with our community.
The benefits
The community, our customers, elected representatives, and employees will all benefit from our transformation program via access to modern, efficient, and responsive systems and data, redefined customer interactions, and enhanced services.
Our digital initiatives fall under two categories – (1) replacing what needs to be replaced to offer newer, integrated, secure and resilient services; and (2) upgrading and re-purposing existing infrastructure to provide additional services and capability where possible.
Key outcomes will include:
- productivity enhancements
- greater cyber-security protections
- improved customer experiences and responsiveness, and
- 24/7 access to contemporary online services.
All our implemented initiatives will streamline the way we connect with our community and our people.
What’s happening now
Work has begun upgrading many of our existing systems to more modern and secure cloud-based solutions, as well as delivering a range of other technology improvements across Council:
- In September 2024, we launched Bookable Spaces - our new integrated booking system for Council owned venues and spaces. This system provides an easy-to-use online link for customers to securely book, manage and pay for Council spaces for hire 24/7.
- If you’re interested in booking a council space, such as a community hall, park or a space in one of our libraries or our IndigiScapes centre, please visit Book a venue or space.
- If you’re interested in booking a council space, such as a community hall, park or a space in one of our libraries or our IndigiScapes centre, please visit Book a venue or space.
- In October 2024, we improved our mainland public use computers located at our Cleveland, Capalaba and Victoria Point libraries. These devices are free to use and now even easier to access, offering additional tools and secure, fast internet connection.
- You can book a terminal in person at the library or online, all you need is a valid library card.
- To find out more information, please visit: Internet and computer services or book directly via ResManager.
- In early November 2024, we migrated our customer request system, including Council’s call centre, to a new cloud-based platform, to assist us in responding to customer requests more quickly.
- This system is being adopted across Council in a staged release and will provide, over time, a more intuitive and responsive user interface as well as automated customer notifications and status updates.
- This system is being adopted across Council in a staged release and will provide, over time, a more intuitive and responsive user interface as well as automated customer notifications and status updates.
- Other improvement initiatives will be up and running soon, including digital improvements to our supply chain, and contracting. More information on these initiatives will be listed here as they are delivered.
Collaborating for success
To ensure we can offer more services, to more people, and make Council services more accessible – available anywhere, anytime – we have expanded on our 25+ year relationship with ASX-listed company TechnologyOne to implement their latest OneCouncil software solution and services.
Council officers are working collaboratively with relevant providers to deliver the multiple phases of our digital transformation roadmap.
Placing you at the heart of all we do
Technology and innovation improvements have made new opportunities and ways of working more accessible to Council. As technology improves, how we work and interact with the community will also evolve.
Our upgraded customer request systems are intended to make life easier for our customers to log and be kept informed about their requests with Council.
Frequently asked questions
Digital transformation is the ongoing process of using digital technologies to create new (or modify existing) business processes, culture, services and customer experiences, to meet changing business, customer and workforce requirements.
Council’s program of modernisation, known as the Digital Transformation Program, is improving our ways of working and delivering increased access to our services. We are adopting modern online solutions and improvements, including upgrading infrastructure and improving cyber security, core data and request management systems.
We have listened and our community have said they are looking for more modern and responsive ways to interact with us. Technology and innovation improvements have enabled new opportunities and ways of working. Council needs to modernise to ensure we continue to provide a high level of service to our customers and are ready to meet future challenges.
To achieve our goals, Council established a Digital Transformation Program to drive an ambitious program to improve user experiences for both our customers and our employees.
Council's Corporate Plan, Our Future Redlands – A Corporate Plan to 2026 and beyond describes seven goals for the city, supported by initiatives and catalyst projects to deliver on our 2041 vision. One of these goals – to become an effective and efficient organisation – is supported by several interrelated catalyst projects, focusing on customer experience, employee experience, business transformation and digital transformation.
The Digital Transformation Program is being delivered via a series of uplift projects over coming years, with the total investment over the life of the program of about $45 million. We will achieve our digital goals in two ways – (1) by replacing what needs to be replaced to offer newer, integrated, secure and resilient services; and (2) by upgrading and re-purposing existing infrastructure to provide additional services and capability where possible.
The Digital Transformation Program will make it easier for you to interact with Council, providing more choice and convenience, and access to contemporary online services anytime, from anywhere. The program will include improvement to customer experiences and digital service offerings, as well as improved response times for customer requests. By reducing manual processes and duplication, these important upgrades will result in long-term benefits to Council workers and improved services for our community.
Council has begun delivering the early phases of the Digital Transformation Program. We have already streamlined our venue booking system, and improved our mainland library computers, as well as the way in which customers lodge requests with us by going live with a new digital platform. Additional improvements to our Supply Chain and Contracts will be delivered in 2025, designed to improve Council’s procurement processes and make it easier to do business with us. Overall benefits may not be immediately visible, but improvements will progressively build as each project is delivered, enabling more functionality and options. We have already achieved a lot and will continue implementing our plans for the benefit of our people and our community. Initiatives will be announced as they are due to go live, with more information to be made available prior to launch.
The information on this page will be regularly updated as we progress through the phases of the digital transformation program. We will also engage directly with the community as the program introduces changes to improve the digital experience of our customers and community.
Related links
- General Meeting Minutes – 21 June 2023 – 20.4 Digital Transformation Program
- Our Future Redlands – A Corporate Plan to 2026 and beyond
- Budget allocates digital delivery funding to improve efficiencies - Redlands Coast Today
- Council’s digital transformation initiative set to continue in new financial year - Redlands Coast Today