Open data | Redland City Council
Council closures for King's Birthday public holiday

Non-essential Council services will be closed for the public holiday on Monday 7 October. Bins will continue to be collected and Recycling and Waste Centres will be open.

Council services available on public holiday

Open data

Redland City Council is committed to open data to:

  • foster greater transparency and accountability
  • drive innovation and economic opportunities for Redlands Coast
  • create a more cost effective, efficient and responsive government.

Council will make all data collected and stored available in machine-readable formats to the public. We will safeguard sensitive information and protect privacy. Data will be available under flexible and open licenses, allowing for reuse by the public. Council commits to the increased public disclosure of information by sharing information.

Our open data platform is currently focusing on facilaitating the exploration and downloading of our GIS data - layer packages and feature services.

See council's Open Data website for currently published open data.

Usage notes:

  • The simplest way to use City Plan data is to download the layer package as the package has symbology pre-built, and assembles the entire fleet of zones, precincts, and overlays with ArcGIS Pro. This way, you always have the data available on your local system.
  • Alternatively, use the feature service with ArcGIS Pro that will also assemble the entire fleet of zones, precincts and overlays together with symbology for current City Plan.
  • Options to download in CSV, KML, etc are also available.