Redland Housing Strategy and Policy | Redland City Council
Council service closures for Australia Day public holiday

Customer service centres, Council offices and libraries will be closed for the public holiday on Monday 27 January. Recycling and Waste Centres will be open and bins will be collected as usual.

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Redland Housing Strategy and Policy

Redland Housing Strategy

The Queensland Government announced it was preparing a housing strategy for Redland City after a Ministerial Direction was issued on 15 September 2022.

The resulting Draft Redland Housing Strategy was released for community consultation between 13 October and 13 November 2023.

Redland City Council supported the community consultation by encouraging residents, businesses and community groups to review the draft strategy and provide feedback to the State Government. Council promoted the State Government's information sessions and published  background information, key documents and explanatory fact sheets on Your Say Redlands Coast. This page is still available as a historical record, and includes the formal submission Redland City Council lodged with the State Government during the consultation period.

The final Redlands Housing Strategy is available on the State Government website, including the round 1 and 2 consultation reports.

Affordable Housing Policy and Guideline

On 13 December 2023, Council resolved to commence an Affordable Housing Policy. The policy aims to support and encourage the delivery of affordable housing developments on the Redlands Coast by providing incentives to Community Housing Providers (CHPs) seeking to deliver affordable housing.

The incentives available under the policy and available to CHPs for development applications for affordable housing include:

  • Free access to Council’s pre-lodgement service.
  • A 50% discount (aggregate) on development application fees and adopted charges, up to a maximum value of $250,000 per development application.
  • Reduced assessment timeframes for code assessable, material change of use development applications which meet certain criteria.

Under the policy and associated guideline, CHPs can apply to Council to obtain these discounts.

The policy establishes ‘affordable housing development areas’ being allotments that are fully or partially located within a one (1) kilometre radius of the Cleveland train station or Capalaba bus station.  However, CHPs can still apply for the incentives if a development application is outside of these areas.  Where this occurs, a decision on the application for incentives will be determined at a General Meeting of Council.

The total funding pool available under the policy equates to $1 million and the incentives under the policy will be available until 30 June 2029 or until the funding pool is expended (whichever occurs sooner).

Incentives only apply to that part of a development application which involves an affordable housing development component.

The policy and relevant resolution of council can be accessed here:

For further information about the affordable housing policy, or to obtain a copy of the affordable housing guideline, please contact Council’s Strategic Planning team on (07) 3829 8999.